In conjunction with the Catholic School, the mission of the School Advisory Board is to further the advancement of quality Catholic education for students in St. Agnes Catholic School by providing leadership, direction, and support to the Pastor and the Principal.
The School Advisory Council is established by the Pastor to be advisory to him and the School Administrator. It shall make its recommendations after adequate hearing as determined by the President of the School Advisory Council and shall submit those recommendations in writing to the Pastor for consideration and approval. Accordingly, since St. Agnes Catholic School is owned and operated by St. Agnes Catholic Church solely, it falls to the Pastor of the parish to make all final decisions.
The functions of the School Advisory Council are to:
- Advise the Principal on policies, programs, services, and strategic planning.
- Conduct special studies and assignments as requested by the Pastor or Principal.
- Advise the Principal and Pastor on financial matters including assisting the principal in development of the annual school budget; determination of sources of funding for the annual operating budget: establishment of the annual tuition rates; and, establishment of teacher salary schedules. All of these activities, when completed, will be submitted for approval by the Pastor before being published and/or implemented.
- Present St. Agnes Catholic School to the public, to civic authorities, and to the Catholic community, as a school imparting quality Catholic education in all aspects of living: spiritual, intellectual, cultural, physical, social, and civic.
- Provide recommendations on issues that are brought before the Board for consideration.
The advisory council holds regular monthly meetings on the last Wednesday of the month during the school year (August-May). All meetings are open to the St. Agnes Community except for those sessions designated as executive. Non-council members who would like to address the Council may make a request to the President, pastor or principal in writing at least 10 days prior to the next meeting. The written request shall include the topic to be discussed.

Pre-k - 5th
Tuition Contract
Student Information Sheet

Student Information Sheet
Physical Records Form

ACH Debit Authorization Form