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Home and School Association (HSA) )

The Home and School Association is an active organization of parents/guardians, teachers and staff established to support St. Agnes School.  The mission of HSA is to develop and deepen a mutual understanding of Catholic education by cultivating a strong connection between out school and its families through positive communication, the organizing of volunteers and providing of fundraising opportunities.  The HSA is coordinated by an appointed Leadership Council and works under the direction and guidance of the principal.

The organization meets on the 1st Monday of each month and coordinates activities and other events throughout the year in support of the school.  Activities include:  a back to school BBQ, meals for P/T conferences, classroom parties, receptions for school programs and more.  This group also organizes and helps with 3 major fundraisers held during the school year.

Premiere Event

This gala evening is organized by the School Foundation with the help of HSA members.  It is held on the 3rd Friday in November at the Civic Center.  This amazing evening includes a plated dinner, silent and live auction and an evening of fun and fellowship.  Over the years, this event has afforded the school the opportunity to make a number of improvements to our building and curriculum.  These improvements further enhance the learning of students and ensure the future success of our school.

Penny Carnival

The annual Penny Carnival is held on the first Sunday in March.  This event offers an amazing community building opportunity for our current families and is a great way to reach out to prospective families as they enjoy the food, raffle, games and fun set up throughout the school.  All families participate in making this family-oriented event a huge success.  Funds raised through this event go directly to the operational expenses of the school.

100 Club

 One of the most important fundraisers for St. Agnes Catholic School is the 100 Club Lottery. This past year, the 100 Club raised close to $12,000 for the school.  An equal amount was given away in monetary prizes to the members of 100 Club.

How are the donations used?   100 Club Lottery helps keep tuition at St. Agnes School affordable for our families!  The money raised through the lottery is utilized by the school to pay salaries, buy supplies and other expenses.  The donations from the lottery have played an important role in helping balance the budget at St. Agnes School. 

How does it work?   100 Club members include school parents, members of St. Agnes Parish, alumni, and other folks from the community.  Each member contributes $10.00 per month for one year for a total donation of $120.00.  Members can make their donation monthly, quarterly or annually.   Each month, 50% of the total monthly donations are given away in a cash prize lottery drawing to the members of 100 Club! 

Contact the school if you are interested in joining 100 Club!

Pre-k - 5th
Tuition Contract

Student Information Sheet 

Student Information Sheet 

Physical Records Form

ACH Debit Authorization Form



    Mission Statement
    St. Agnes School is committed to providing our students an opportunity for academic excellence in the Catholic tradition through a partnership with parents and the parish community. As a Catholic faith-centered community, we commit to help students develop their potential as conscious and responsible leaders, empowering them to live the Gospel values of love, peace, respect and service in their everyday lives.


    St. Agnes Catholic School
    205 E 23rd Street
    Scottsbluff, NE  69361

    PH: 308-632-6918
    Click HERE for Map

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